Members Meeting – 8th May 2024

We were finally able to welcome our speaker Janet Niepokojcycka to our meeting.

Janet has done extensive research into the legend of Robin Hood.  Her research going back to the 1500’s. Referring to Robin Hood being born in Yorkshire and the various ballads, films, TV and folklore in which of Robin’s story is told, albeit differing largely over the centuries.

She referred to the differing images of Robin and his men over the centuries.  Little John, Friar Tuck and Will Scarlet being present in the 1500’s.  Alan A’Dale being a recent addition in the story in the1700’s.

Janet found no romantic links to Robin Hood in the earlier records.

In the 1500’s Little John was very much smaller that Robin Hood. In the 1700’s he was much larger.

She showed various images and statues of Robin Hood and the Major Oak Tree in Sherwood Forest where Robin and his men are said to have taken shelter beneath its branches and hidden inside it’s massive trunk. The Major Oak can still be seen in Sherwood Forest, sadly it is now having to be supported by metal props and viewing can only done from a distance.

After taking members through the centuries and the differing versions of the stories of the life of Robin Hood, Janet ended with the story about where Robin Hood died and where his body was laid to rest at Kirklees Priory (where his final arrow fell to earth).

Despite all her extensive research, Janet found no documentary evidence to dispel any of the myths.